Our daughter has quickly grown to learn what a special day Sunday can be. It is a day to reflect and relax, to stroll and sit, to read and watch, and to play and sleep. One of our required weekly traditions are morning bagels (“One whole wheat toasted, plain cream cheese. One whole wheat NOT toasted, with walnut raisin creme cheese. One cinnamon raisin nothing on it.”) and the Sunday Times. Not exotic by any means, but boy can we get some good bagels here in Brooklyn.
Eliza usually takes the sports and automative sections of the paper, mostly because they are under appreciated by her parents. Recently, as part of her potty training, she’s even come to know the joy of sitting on the potty while reading the newspaper. We are not sure exactly where she picked that up (*ahem*daddy*ahem*).
As winter recedes, and the weather has gotten warmer (who are we kidding, its been warm for months!), we have been trying to get out and about on Sundays more to visit friends and family, especially those with other little kiddies eager to get outside and play. This morning we ventured to the Underhill Playground, aka “The Island Playground of Misfit Toys”, mentioned a few times on this blog before, which is full of gently used toys, left to fend for themselves outside all year round. It is a kids paradise, where there are plenty of scooters, push carts and bouncy seats for all, and a fantastic set of slides and ladders! There we met with Wes the Canadian and Baby Johann the Bear, who both have daddies who do work with Eliza’s daddy. We also encountered Spiderman, who was eager to show Eliza how to scale a chain link fence, and jump down stairs in style.
The day is not yet done yet, but here we are, using a few minutes of quiet time, sharing with you our sunny, quiet day so far. As soon as Eliza wakes up from her nap, we’ll be off to the farmer’s market for apples (to make apple sauce of course!), and then we’ll get the crockpot going for evening stew. While traditional church going is not part of our life, we do what we can to keep this day sacred and focused on family. Wish all of you out there could join us, and if not, are having your own special kind of day.
so eloquent…. a Sunday sermon no less! love the final photo especially – very artistic… love to you all…